Teamspeak Reserved Slots


Follow the video and you will get a free teamspeak3 512 slot server for free-Links-Apply For License: The Files.



ReservedTeamspeak Reserved Slots
  1. TeamSpeak 3 Server Hosting. Affordable Teamspeak 3 Servers hosted in France from 10 to 200 Slots available.
  2. There have been many discussion concerning the 'reserved slots'. And the teamspeak developers have stated more then once they won't kick any user because of a server full situation. If you have 25 slots (23 normal and 2 reserved) and there are 23 random guests than only two members (with the permission to use reserved slots) can connect.
registered server:37378
hidden server:141
server locked:44
server online:29076
server offline:5772
server disabled:2530
password protected server:12691
channel created:914468
TeamspeakTeamspeak Reserved Slots

Teamspeak Reserved Slots Online

currently online:2540832425
total connections:339010381219974331
assigned slots:1620976
reserved slots:25382

Teamspeak Reserved Slots Poker

Traffic usage
maximum bandwidth usage: *331.11 TB515.55 TB
daily average bandwidth usage: *191.02 MB297.42 MB
current bandwidth usage/second:35.1 MBit/s27.64 MBit/s
current bandwidth usage/minute:34.69 MBit/s25 MBit/s
packets sent: *31619444417255085537291713
current filetransfer bandwidth usage:731.86 KBit/s161.96 KBit/s
maximum filetransfer usage: *6.21 TB14.25 TB
* values are calculated with the Uptime of all servers