Gambling Topics

A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
Gambling Topics

Explain that gambling results in losing more often than winning. Spending money on things they want is better than losing it all on a bet. Explain that underage gambling is illegal. Talk to them about the consequences of problem gambling such as depression, financial problems, lower self-esteem, lower grades, and damaged friendships. Dr Joseph Nicolosi answers questions about gambling addiction sent in my our readers. He reveals what turns someone into a problem gambler and more. The World’s online gaming authority since 1995. Discover › Topics › Gaming. Watch TED Talks about video games, toys and board games — and talks about using the mechanics of games in real life.

Problem gambling topicsTopicsGaming topics to write about

Gambling Topics For Presentation

  • Do you play the lottery?
  • What kind of lottery do you play?
  • Do you play football pools?
  • Do you play slot machines?
  • How many forms of gambling as you can think of?
  • What percentage of people do you think gamble?
  • What do you think is the most amount of money that different people loose? E.g. An average person or a big gambler?
  • Do you bet? How often? What's the biggest bet you ever placed?
  • Apart from the obvious financial problem what other consequences can occur as a result of excessive gambling?
  • Who suffers the most from a gambling problem?
  • Apart from the obvious reason of winning money, why do people gamble?
  • Why is gambling addictive?
  • Do you think it could be genetic?
  • What kinds of people do you think are more prone to developing a gambling problem?
  • Do you think there is gender difference?
  • At what age do people generally start gambling?
  • What's the usual age limit for gambling games?
  • Do you regard putting money in machines for prizes, at an amusement arcade, as gambling?
  • Is there such a thing as good and bad luck? If so, what is it?
  • Does luck have anything to do with winning?
  • Do you think it's possible for a gambling addict to kick the habit?
  • What help is available for addicts?
  • What techniques can you think of that may help an addicted gambler quit?
  • Should some forms of gambling be banned?
  • Do you think that those who own and run casinos are criminals or conmen?
  • Does the national lottery encourage gambling?

Gambling Addiction Topics

If you can think of another good question for this list, please add it. Thanks to Marie E. Kilcline who suggested this topic and contributed the first 32 questions in April 2008.
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